August 17-26, Wilson County and Tennessee State Fair Rose Shows

Bring your roses to the Fairs! Members of the Nashville Rose Society are invited to compete in the Wilson County Rose Show. The State Rose Show is open to all Tennessee Residents 18 years of age and older.

Both the Wilson County Fair and the Tennessee State Fair will be held in the James E. Ward Agricultural Center, 945 E. Baddour Parkway, Lebanon, TN.

You must register before the entry date – one registration works for both the Wilson County and the State Rose Shows. There is no cost to enter in either show.

Exhibits for both shows must be entered at the Expo Center between 2pm and 6:30pm on Wednesday, August 16. There is no admission charge to enter the Fair Grounds to submit your entries. Once the State Rose Show judging is complete, exhibits will be transferred (by the Fair) to the Made in TN Building where they will be displayed for the duration of the Fair.

Click the following for more information:

We hope to see you at the Fair!

June 2-3 – 2023 Tenarky District Arrangements Workshop

The 2023 Tenarky District Arrangements Workshop will be held on June 2-3, 2023, at the Hampton Inn in Pleasant View, Tennessee.

We are excited to share that our guest instructor will be Gerry Mahoney, president of the Glendale (AZ) Rose Society and Arrangements Chair for the Pacific Northwest District of the American Rose Society.

Registration is $64 per person which includes workshop, supplies, and lunch. If you choose to do lunch on your own, workshop only registration is $50 per person.

We will supply roses, greenery, filler, and additional line and plant material. However, attendees are encouraged to bring things from their gardens as well, either for their own or others use. Attendees should also bring a traditional and modern type container if possible. If you cannot we will have extras. And if you have that gorgeous container that you just can’t figure out what to do with, bring that as well. We will focus on some of those!

Among the topics we will dive into are principals and elements of design, traditional and modern designs, including parallel and stretch modern designs, containers and mechanics. These will be hands on for attendees. We also plan to offer a container swap for those containers that you find you no longer use.

Below is the tentative schedule for the workshop:

Friday, June 2

6:00 (p.m.) Working with ‘challenging’ containers

Saturday, June 3

8:30-Welcome, announcements
9:00-Principals and elements of design
10:00-Containers (focus on traditional vs. modern containers)
10:45-Mechanics of design

12:00-Lunch (on site)

1:00-Traditional designs (hands on)
2:00-Modern designs (hands on)
3:30-Container swap
4:00-Ethics in judging

This event will be at the Hampton Inn, 2606 Highway 49 East, Pleasant View, TN 37146. Phone number 615-894-9910. Special Group Rate is $139 per night – ask for the Tenarky District ARS event (Group code is ARG). This special rate is only offered through May 18.

Click here to download the registration form.

May 13-14 – 69th Annual Birmingham Rose Show

Click here for the show information and schedule.

The 69th Annual Birmingham Rose Show is presented by the Birmingham Rose Society on Mother’s Day weekend at the beautiful Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Mother’s Day weekend has been the traditional weekend for the show, partially because it is usually good time for the first and best blooms in our area.

Come to Birmingham and bring your roses!

May 7 – NRS Spring Grand Prix Rose Show

NOTE!! new location for the May 2023 meeting of the Nashville Rose Society!


The auditorium, a remodeled stable intended for Caldwell’s fine racehorses, is available for state functions and agricultural events. Thirty-two thoroughbreds occupied the stalls until 1957. The auditorium, which has a kitchen and large assembly area, was named for former agriculture commissioner and U.S. congressman Ed Jones in 1989.

The 2023 Spring Grand Prix will be held on Sunday, May 7, in the Ed Jones Auditorium at Ellington Agriculture Center, 416 Hogan Rd, Nashville, TN 37220. The Grand Prix is a rose show that is held at a regular NRS meeting. Its purpose is to give members a chance to learn about, and practice, exhibiting roses. A grooming room will be open at 1pm. Experienced exhibitors will be there to help anyone needing help in grooming their roses.

Click here for the Grand Prix show schedule.

To get to the Ed Jones Auditorium, enter the front gates from Hogan Road. Bear to your right. The Moss Building (antebellum style mansion) will be on your left at the top of the hill. Follow the drive until you reach the auditorium (a large white barn-like structure that sets at the end of the lawn behind the mansion). Click here for a map of the Center. The Ed Jones Auditorium is Building #8 on the map.

In addition to the Grand Prix, Ron Daniels, Nashville Rose Society Master Rosarian, will have his new book Rose Therapy hot off of the press and available to sell signed copies. The books will be $20.00 each and the money made on the books will go toward Ron’s ministries at his church and in his community. The book is also available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble websites.

Time for Roses: Come Home to America’s Rose Garden

Hello Rose Lovers! Time for Roses will be the theme of the 2023 ARS National Rose Convention to be held at the American Rose Center in Shreveport, Louisiana, May 5-7, 2023.

It is time to celebrate this “Crown Jewel” of the American Rose Society. Most of us have never been there but after seeing the great article and photos by Marilyn Wellan in the March/April issue of the American Rose, didn’t it make your heart desire to see the garden?? The clockworks design is amazing to see. This garden is our heritage and our home and now it has been transformed by the Great Garden Restoration into a stellar destination for all rose lovers. Continue reading “Time for Roses: Come Home to America’s Rose Garden”